I bought a row of Cat’s Pajamas at my local nursery after they suggested the deer might leave them alone - I have deer and rabbits who eat everything not inside my fence. I planted them in a row in front of some viburnum. They are fantastic - the first spring bloom is gorgeous with its lovely purple flowers, and I got two more blooms from them by cutting them back after they began to fade. The second and third bloom were not as beautiful but they still looked great. In hindsight I might take more care to fertilize them when I trim them back. Best of all, the deer and the bunnies did not eat them!
'Cat's Pajamas' Catmint Nepeta hybrid
- Sun
- Spring
- Summer
12 - 14 Inches18 - 20 Inches18 - 20 Inches30cm - 36cm46cm - 51cm46cm - 51cmFeatures
A long blooming perennial that’s perfect in small areas of the landscape. Indigo blue flowers are produced all the way from the soil to the tips, providing an intense splash of color when it’s in bloom. Rosy purple calyxes extend the color when the blooms are past peak.
Best SellerAward WinnerFragrant FlowerFragrant FoliageContinuous Bloom or RebloomerLong BloomingHeat TolerantDrought TolerantAttracts:BeesButterfliesHummingbirdsResists:DeerRabbitsCharacteristics
Plant Type:PerennialHeight Category:ShortGarden Height:12 - 14 Inches 30cm - 36cmSpacing:18 - 20 Inches 46cm - 51cmSpread:18 - 20 Inches 46cm - 51cmFlower Colors:BlueFlower Shade:Indigo blueFoliage Colors:GreenFoliage Shade:GreenHabit:MoundedContainer Role:FillerPlant Needs
Light Requirement:SunThe optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive: Full Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours), Full Shade (up to 4 hours).
Maintenance Category:EasyBloom Time:Late Spring through SummerHardiness Zones:3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8bWater Category:AverageSoil Fertility Requirement:Average SoilSoil Fertility Requirement:Poor SoilSoil PH Category:Alkaline SoilSoil PH Category:Neutral SoilUses:Border PlantUses:ContainerUses:Cut FlowerUses:Edging PlantUses:LandscapeUses:Mass PlantingUses Notes:Get ideas for growing catmint plants in your garden.
Maintenance Notes:Prefers full sun and average, well-drained soil of low to average moisture. Plants respond well to shearing to promote rebloom.
'Cat's Pajamas' Nepeta hybrid USPP 31,127, Can PBRAF -
24 Reviews
516463221Browse reviews from people who have grown this plant.-
Cathy M, Virginia, United States, 1 week ago
Oh man the bees LOVE LOVE LOVE this plant. I bought 3 of these and planted them together. The only negative I have is they flopped after I got them in the ground. Part of that could be that I got fertilizer too close to them when I did the rest of the bed or the fact that we have been getting a ton of rain. I’m a beginning gardener so I don’t really know for sure. I cut one back and it is showing new growth after only a couple days. If the one I cut back turns out good then I will cut the other back as well. I just didn’t have the heart to do them all at once since the bees love this plant so much. For sure getting more of these as I add more beds to the yard.
David Simmons, Missouri, United States, 40 weeks ago -
This plant has a very high quality appearance compared to other varieties of nepeta and it grows in a neat compact form. I am in England zone 8a and mine originally bloomed in early May then after trimming it, the rebloom occurred in late July. The rebloomimg isn’t as strong as the initial bloom but still is decent enough. the colour of the blooms are quite dark for a nepeta when comparing to other varieties such as purrsian blue. Definitely a really good perennial and worth growing in a south facing spot!
Kurt Ilko, 1 year ago -
I have these inside tree rings around my October Glory maples. I have been moderately successful propagating cuttings, about 50% success rate. Love the intense early spring color and so do the bees. My best early pollinator attractor for the garden.
Asa Adamson, Oklahoma, United States, 1 year ago -
One of my favourite plants BY FAR! So beautiful, the bee's absolutely love them and the fragrance is so nice. These look beautiful at the front of my border, I get plenty of compliments and it's because of these, so eye catching!
Samantha A, Ontario, Canada, 1 year ago -
Wow another Proven Winner........I amended the soil and added drip and a slow release fertilizer and they just kept growing all summer long in the full sun Texas heat!!!! LOVE IT
Michelle, Texas, United States, 2 years ago -
The first flush of blooms are amazing. Unfortunately that all you really get. I have sheared back as suggested on this site and the reblooms are pretty dismal.
Kristine, New Jersey, United States, 2 years ago -
Loved this plant! Unfortunately the neighborhood cats loved it to pieces! Chewed on it and then slept on our driveway in a stupor. Must affect them like catnip! What else would be as pretty without attracting cats?
Julie Trinklein, Michigan, United States, 3 years ago -
I bought 7 cat payamas from Lowe’s. The picture is true representation. They look fantastic in my garden, they have bloomed nonstop since I planted them, I also heard that they are good for keeping the mosquito away. Very happy with my cat payamas.
Marcia Ovalle, Colorado, United States, 3 years ago -
I planted several Cat's Pajamas in the spring of 2019. I bought them from a local garden center; they were not very big, but they were healthy, so I crossed my fingers I would see them again the next year. They came back this year twice the size. Very full bloom spikes, just like Proven Winners' pictures. The color and size are also represented well in the pictures. They are the first perennials in my garden to start blooming at the end of April. Bees love them. This is a fantastic plant. I plan on obtaining many more to plant anywhere I can tuck them in.
Lisa G., Pennsylvania, United States, 4 years ago
2 Awards
Award Year Award Plant Trial 2022 Top Performer Michigan State University 2020 Top Performer Penn State University 3 Recipes
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