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Chroma® Chloe Rubber Plant Ficus elastica

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  • Medium
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  • Details

    48 - 120 Inches
    0 -
    0 -
    1.2m - 3.0m


    One look at Chroma ‘Chloe’ and you’ll be channeling the renowned french fashion house. This Rubber Plant has large, glossy leaves of olive green. Leaves unfurl from stylish pink sheaths and grow in an upright habit. To keep ‘Chloe’ looking like the fashion icon she is, be sure to polish up her waxy, ovate-shaped leaves regularly. Elegance is, after all, in all the little details!

    Adaptable As Houseplant
    Foliage Interest
    Harmful To: 


    Plant Type: 
    Height Category: 
    48 - 120 Inches 1.2m - 3.0m
    Foliage Colors: 
    Foliage Shade: 
    Olive green
    Container Role: 

    Plant Needs

    Light Requirement: 
    Light Requirement: 

    Low - No direct sun, not near a window. Medium - Medium bright indirect light in the AM or PM, typically from an east or west window. High - Bright direct or indirect light for much of the day, typically from a south window.

    Maintenance Category: 
    Preferred Temperature: 
    60 - 85 °F
    Water Category: 
    Humidity Preference: 
    Humidity Preference: 
    Container Soil Type: 
    Indoor Potting Mix
    Needs Good Drainage
    Bright Spaces
    Uses Notes: 

    Not for human or animal consumption.

    Maintenance Notes: 
    • For optimal performance, keep your Rubber Plant at 60-85°F (15-29°C). 
    • Be sure to position your Rubber Plant away from cold drafts and forced air or, like other ficuses, it may drop its leaves.
    • Rubber Plants thrive in bright light. They are not low light plants and need to be positioned in front of a window for best results.  Some direct sun is beneficial, from an east- or west-facing window, or even your sunniest window. If you have a variegated Rubber Plant, it will display the strongest variegation if given as much bright light as possible.
    • Rubber Plants prefer to dry out in between waterings. Therefore, allow the top 2-3 inches of soil to dry out before giving your Rubber Plant a good soaking. Do not allow it to sit in standing water after thoroughly saturated. 
    • Feed your Rubber Plant once per month at half strength when it is actively growing. Reduce frequency of fertilization in the winter months. If no new leaves are growing, it does not need to be fertilized.
    • Protect furniture when watering & fertilizing.
    • If you would like a bushier Rubber Plant, prune your plant to promote branching. The plant exudes a white, milky sap when pruned or broken, so if your skin comes in contact with it, wash your hands immediately.
    • Your Rubber Plant has the potential to grow fairly quickly given ideal conditions. When it is time to pot up your Rubber Plant, use an all purpose potting mix with added orchid bark and perlite to ensure good drainage and plenty of nutrients. 
    • Rubber Plants have broad leaves that should be dusted regularly to ensure proper absorption of light for photosynthesis. 
  • 2 Reviews

    Browse reviews from people who have grown this plant.
    • I found this plant at my local Home Depot in an H2O and thought I'd give it a try. I didn't realize that it would quickly become my favorite plant. It's beautiful and very low maintenance. I've had it for over a year and it's sprouted 4 new leaves. The new leaves are huge and so pretty. Highly recommend trying this plant if you're looking for something low maintenance!!

      Mary D.
      , North Dakota
      , United States
      , 17 weeks ago
    • I found this plant at my local Home Depot in an H2O and thought I'd give it a try. I didn't realize that it would quickly become my favorite plant. It's beautiful and very low maintenance. I've had it for over a year and it's sprouted 4 new leaves. The new leaves are huge and so pretty. Highly recommend trying this plant if you're looking for something low maintenance!!

      Mary D.
      , North Dakota
      , United States
      , 17 weeks ago
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