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Bewitched Night Owl Rex Begonia Begonia rex

Flower Season
  • Spring
  • Summer
Mature Size
2' 15" 61cm 38cm
Height: 18" - 2'
Spread: 12" - 15"
Height: 46cm - 61cm
Spread: 30cm - 38cm
Proven Selections
  • Details

    18 - 24 Inches
    12 - 15 Inches
    12 - 15 Inches
    46cm - 61cm
    30cm - 38cm
    30cm - 38cm


    A rex-type begonia with striking foliage colors. Interesting cut lea shape with deep veins. 

    Adaptable As Houseplant
    Foliage Interest
    Heat Tolerant
    Deadheading Not Necessary


    Plant Type: 
    Height Category: 
    Garden Height: 
    18 - 24 Inches 46cm - 61cm
    12 - 15 Inches 30cm - 38cm
    12 - 15 Inches 30cm - 38cm
    Flower Colors: 
    Foliage Colors: 
    Foliage Shade: 
    Container Role: 

    Plant Needs

    Light Requirement: 
    Part Shade to Shade

    The optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive: Full Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours), Full Shade (up to 4 hours).

    Maintenance Category: 
    Bloom Time: 
    Grown for Foliage
    Hardiness Zones: 
    9a, 9b, 10a, 10b, 11a, 11b
    Water Category: 
    Maintenance Notes: 

    Overwintering Begonias, some basics. When bringing plants indoors from an outdoor garden area there are some basic dos and donts to consider. The first priority is to make sure your plants are free of insects or disease before bringing them in for the winter. Indoor conditions are very stressful to most plants and when plants are stressed they are more susceptible to insects and diseases. So before you bring plants in for the winter you may want to give them a good looking over, it will save you problems later in the winter when you may not want to use chemicals indoors. Indoor conditions are generally lower light than outdoors, so plant will have to adjust to lower light levels, sometimes they can do this easily and sometimes they must drop their outdoor leaves and grow new leaves that are better adapted to interior conditions. Plan for some leaf drop until plants become established again. All Begonias need bright filtered light when brought indoors and can sometimes be grown in full sun but be careful not to burn plants by exposing them to bright sun if they were grown in the shade previously. T he inside of your house is also very dry due to your heating system which removes water from the air as it heats the air in your house. You can make life a lot easier for your plants if you provide a source of humidity for your plants. Many people mist their indoor plants and while this helps it only lasts for a short period. A better long term solution is the use of a pebble tray under your plants where water can be added as it evaporates to keep the humidity higher around your indoor flowers. A pebble tray is simply a container that holds water filled with pebbles so that your plants sit on the pebbles and not in the water itself, water evaporates around the plant a creates a small greenhouse effect. Rex Begonia
    Rex Begonias are a bit more of a challenge for indoor growing, but with a high humidity level can be gorgeous indoors with bright filtered light. These plants like constant moderate moisture, high humidity, and regular fertilization. They do not go dormant, so never allow them to dry out, they are very sensitive to dry roots and quickly decline if not cared for. However their electrifying foliage makes them one of the most desirable plants for both containers outdoors and inside. If you can grow African violets, you can grow Rex Begonias, so give them a try.

    Bewitched Night Owl Begonia rex 'BBENO33-0' USPP 35,414
  • 1 Review

    Browse reviews from people who have grown this plant.
    • These plants are beautiful.

      Leonard Simpson
      , Missouri
      , United States
      , 31 weeks ago
  • 1 More color

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