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ColorChoice Articles

Showing 31 - 40 of 54.

Have you ever seen a rose looking a little bit…weird? It could have rose rosette disease. Here’s our FAQ on the problem, what to do if you get it, and how you can prevent it.

Photos courtesy of:
Jennifer Olson, Oklahoma State University,

You should really grow up! Wait, let me put that a better way…you should really try vertical gardening. While it has become kind of a trendy concept in recent years, vertical gardening is about way more than those fashionable green walls you see everywhere. At its simplest, vertical gardening means that you’re using every available inch to create a special outdoor space where you can be surrounded by greenery, and it especially makes sense if you have limited space. Whether you have a balcony, patio, or small yard, or are just looking to make a retreat worthy of Instagram and Pinterest, these basic vertical gardening principles will help you get the most from your garden while minimizing effort and expense.


Native cultivars make up a large part of our flowering shrub catalog, from Aronia to Viburnum. Take an in-depth look at all of them in this comprehensive article featuring our best native shrubs.

Berry Poppins Ilex verticillata winterberry holly

Winter is an ideal time of year to plan for next season’s garden, and your best new idea might be closer than you think. Let’s explore where we can find inspiration that will help us dream up and plan next year’s garden.

Shrubs are a key element for building good garden bones so it's important to get their placement right.

Sonic Bloom Pink Weigela

Pruning shrubs may seem daunting, but mastering the basic principles behind the why, when, and how makes it a simple and rewarding process.

No-fuss landscaping is in high demand and Proven Winners is meeting it by introducing low maintenance shrubs that require no pruning to achieve a naturally refined, compact habit. When you grow these varieties, there’s no need to worry about pruning at the wrong time or the wrong way. See how we’re making landscaping easier for everyone with these six no-prune shrubs for landscapes.

Double Play Doozie spirea

For many home gardeners, it’s not the lack of desire to work in the garden, but the lack of time to do the work. Wouldn’t it be nice to relax on your patio, look out into your lush landscape, and know that the shrubs you’ve planted are growing beautifully all on their own? By choosing low maintenance varieties, it’s easy to realize that dream. Here are five top-rated shrubs you’ll love to grow.

Buddleia 'Miss Molly' (butterfly bush)

Butterfly bush is hard to beat for sheer flower power. These easy, sun-loving shrubs come in an array of rich colors, bloom continuously from summer to fall, and attract butterflies and hummingbirds by the score.

Updated: March 18, 2021

Showing 31 - 40 of 54.
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